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About the Movie
This movie is about overhauling the “American criminal justice system” and “attorney-client privileges.” It focuses on defunding the criminal justice system without defunding the police.
We will uncover wrongful death verdicts, attorneys who misuse the loophole of attorney-client privileges to hide criminals, criminals who are free on the streets due to wrong verdicts, and innocents imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. The movie also explores issues with the jury system, DNA and facial recognition systems, and massive court costs spent by governments.
Key Features
- Brain scanners will be placed in police stations to determine if apprehended suspects are guilty or innocent.
- The technology taps into the brain's memory to pinpoint the timeline of a crime, potentially freeing the innocent and providing judges with unbiased evidence.
- Explores smart chips in the brains of criminals and terrorists to alert authorities to dangerous intentions before incidents occur.
- Eliminates the need for lengthy trials and dishonest defense practices.
Imagine a system where:
- Federal court buildings are abolished nationwide.
- The jury system is replaced with technology that delivers the truth in minutes.
- Criminals can no longer hide behind the "curtain of attorney-client privilege."
Join us on this journey to explore the possibility of transforming the criminal justice system.
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Come along with us to witness this groundbreaking exploration of justice reform.
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